We saw casualties; We saw wanna-be's. And we believe, Only we could see it. What a lovely affair... What a lovely affair... Like a sinking ship... Like a sinking ship... So, get with it, This is our song, Baby. Get with it, This is our song, Baby. This is our song... I'm the sunglass kid; I'm a casualty; The only one you see, Around here. You watch the sirens lying; Not a waste of time; And I wasted time; A load of lies. So, get with it, This is our song, Baby. Get with it, This is our song, Baby. So, get with it, This is our song, baby. Get with it, This is our song, Baby. This is our song... It was a lovely dream; A victory, never been. Lovely, but never free... So, get with it, This is our song, Baby. Get with it, This is our song, Baby. This is our song...