The color of the day is orange The terror risk is high They never tell us why Just be prepared We're never told just how or when Or who might be our foe Everyone I know Is really scared But they finally have a tip for you and me The solution to surviving World War III Chorus All you need is duct tape And everything is gonna be alright Get Saran Wrap from the drawer And seal your windows tight Don't you worry 'bout Anthrax, dirty bombs Smallpox, radon When all is said and done The war on terrorism's gonna be won With duct tape My 401k's in the tank My kids' school's falling down And all these clowns can talk about Is war There're one or two things here to do Like jobs for you and me Homeland security Means so much more But when the questions get a little tough They have an answer just obtuse enough Chorus All you need is duct tape To hold your tattered life in tact Everyone just duct and cover It'll save you...that's a fact! Don't you worry 'bout Education, health care Retirement, dirty air Everything's OK Trust us, they all say And get duct tape Bridge I've used on my car And I've fixed my garden hose It's removed a wart or two Gotten lint right off my clothes It's worked on almost everything I've tried to use it for So I guess it stands to reason Will work just fine for war Every time I turn on My radio, TV Everything I hear and see Just makes me wonder These guys who'll never face a risk Are quick to draw the sword In every deed and word They reel and blunder So when you're tired of their pontification There's one sure fire fix for our nation Chorus All you need is duct tape And plaster it 'cross their lips All these armchair warriors Shooting from their hips When you've had enough Fox News, Falwell Limbaugh, George Will Spreading lies and fears Just cover up your ears With duct tape When you've had enough W, Ashcroft Rumsfeld spouting off 'Til it makes you sick Tell 'em where they can stick Their duct tape