探せ 答えの無いパズル解け 日時計なら刻む時は流れて 暗いRed Light 照らし出すTonight 歪んだ愛狙い定めFlight 「You can fly ダメでもDon't mind」 Every things gonna be So Tight! 「迷わずにMove on」 まとめてRock on Bady 後にゃ引けねぇRock da Party We're gonna see tonight Stand up,Revolution! Stand up,4Believers Stand up,Generation! 起こせ 革命の狼煙を焚け 駆け出したら共に飛ばせ High WayからDive 絶対願い増す期待 飛んだLife 抜け出せやしない 「You can fly ダメでもDon't mind」 Every things gonna be All Right! 「迷わずにMove on」 まとめてCrack on Craczy 音に身まかせ Back on Track We're gonna see tonight Stand up,Revolution! Stand up,4Believers Stand up,Generation! Stand up,Revolution! Stand up,4Believers Stand up,Generation! All right we're runnin' on time But fool the world and make it all right 聞きなBuddy.Open your mind It's gotta stop yeah!! All right we're runnin' on time But fool the world and make it all right 聞きなBuddy.Open your mind It's gotta stop yeah!! Stand up,Revolution! Stand up,4Believers Stand up,Revolution! Stand up,Generation! Stand up,Revolution! Stand up,4Believers Stand up,Generation! Stand up,Revolution! Stand up,4Believers Stand up,Generation! All right we're runnin' on time But fool the world and make it all right 聞きなBuddy.Open your mind It's gotta stop yeah!! All right we're runnin' on time But fool the world and make it all right 聞きなBuddy.Open your mind It's gotta stop yeah!!