Track bySmokin' Joe Kubek
it aint no use for you to cry you might as well baby tell your lies you hurt me so and i want you to know it aint no use it aint no use there was a time you were my pride and joy woman i loved you like a child loved his toy you thrilled me so but i want you to know its too late its too late well know i i said i wanted you you wanted someone else you went away and left me left me all by my left me all by my left me all by myself some kind of crime paid for your mistakes woman i love you but a little too late you done me wrong now you wanna come back home baby it aint no use well it aint no use well know i i said i wanted you you know you wanted someone else you went away and left me left me all by my left me all by my left me all by myself some kind of crime paid for your mistakes woman i love you baby but a little too late you thrilled me so but i want you to know its too late its too late you know you done me wrong now you wanna come back home it's too late, it's too late you thrilled me so but i want you to know it aint no use lord ain't no use well well well