Bliss Is

Track byPoor Old Lu

  • 2010.08.31
  • 2:34


It seems that every Lu album had at least one "upbeat and funky" track. "Bliss" is one of those. Though we were never known to be a funk band, we did seem to have an edge where that style could be found now and then - and it was especially fun during our live shows. The gritty bass track is certainly one of the most notable aspects of this song... that and the groovy break-it-down solo type part. A good album song, and a great live song! (Side note: the title "Bliss Is" is strangely close to the title of an Ocean Blue song, "Bliss Is Unaware". I'm pretty sure that my brain took the title from that song, though I didn't know it at the time. Oh, well.) Lyrically, I'm surprised that this song didn't receive more criticism. It is fairly brash and in-your-face, but also quite true - at least for the time. What's it all about? I'm glad you asked. "Bliss" was written about family. My family, to be exact. I grew up in a good household with loving parents, two older brothers, so on and so forth. We all got along quite well, actually, but after moving out of the house I realized that we had some serious communication problems. In essence, not communicating when needed ("on the floor, out the door, clean the slate"). Most people can live with that just fine. In fact, many people do. The problem came when I read a short passage in the book of James. "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins" - James 4:17 NIV. I realized that I couldn't claim ignorance anymore. If it was on my heart, then it needed to be dealt with. This truth has had a profound impact on my life. In my family, in my friendships, and in my heart. Ignorance is not bliss. raised to be rich trip or be tripped give to get, live to get throw a fit give to get, live to get what is it? you're gonna have to wait my family can't relate on the floor, out the door clean the slate on the floor, out the door in this hate and this is how i'll let it go Savior save me from what i know (oh, what do i know?) pushed ahead in this society angry bliss disregard life is hard give a kiss disregard life is hard cut my wrist did i never care? silence at the dinner chair hush up now, hear us now sit and stare hush up now, hear us now was it fair? and this is how i'll let it go Savior save me from what i know (save me from what i know)


Poor Old Luのアルバム

Poor Old Lu