We never had the choice to play another game So we shout it out loud 威力はメテオ スタイルはリベロ 今夜有り付く場所はさらに上よ 虜になる有様はフライドポテト 変態的リズムで仕掛けるピエロ Uh.コンコンとノックせず ふんだんに技練り込み仕掛けるベロ この度のアテンドはtaxとナンゼロ 火傷必須のハバネロ Hey, clean girls don't have the same fun You know I bring the Zero fam around And you know we're gonna paint the town in pink And hey, 3000 yen can't buy you freedom But if you wanna feel alive Come out and play with us tonight Rise up Rise up Are you fucking ready now Wake up Wake up Let the music play Break out Break out Ignite the fire within Step up Stand up It’s what you living for We never had the choice to play another game It's in our DNA The show starts when you call our name さぁまだまだ大声で 吠えていきますか そのまま朝が来るまでアガりますか 巧みに使いこなす「あいうえお」 鼓膜の奥までレロレロレロ! TとZ仕掛ける静寂のテロ 1より強大さ番号は“ZERO” Rise up Rise up Are you fucking ready now Wake up Wake up Let the music play Break out Break out Ignite the fire within Step up Stand up It’s what you living for We never had the choice to play another game It's in our DNA The show starts when you call our name 自在に高度上げてく“ZERO戦記” 永遠に語り継がれる千年紀 夜でも尽きない太陽電池 Hahaha!ここが震源地 Hey, "high value men" don't have the same chill We got the music in our hearts It's always carving out our path in life and hey, we never lose the will to live Don't know if it's gonna change your life But you should play with us tonight Rise up Rise up Are you fucking ready now Wake up Wake up Let the music play Break out Break out Ignite the fire within Step up Stand up It’s what you living for We never had the choice to play another game It's in our DNA We come alive when you're shouting out our name Gotta shout it out loud Rise up Gotta shout it out loud Wake up Gotta shout it out loud Break out Gotta shout it out loud Stand up Gotta shout it out loud