Whose thorn will I pull today? And whose embrace will leave me trembling? And whose kind words will pierce right through me? And whose rejection will deem me a failure? I need a pill to sleep at night I need a pill to sleep at night I need a pill to sleep at night So please don't try and wake me Please don't try and wake me Will anything but maybes infect my ears? I'd kill for you, but you don't care I'm cold and I'm hollow the barrel of a gun The sweet sound of forgiveness I forgive no one I need a pill to sleep at night I need a pill to sleep at night I need a pill to sleep at night So please don't try and wake me Cuz I'm tired Oh, I'm tired Oh, I'm tired Oh, I'm tired So please don't try and wake me So please don't try and wake me So please don't try and wake me I'll try to breathe Breathe in the air of conviction To start what I finished To end at the beginning The tracks of recovery Have led to discovery The tracks of recovery Have led to discovery And I have found out that I tried Yes, I have found out that I tried Yes, I have found out that I tried And I can die with that I need a pill to sleep at night I need a pill to sleep at night I need a pill to sleep at night So please don't try and wake me Cuz I'm tired Oh, I'm tired Oh, I'm tired Oh, I'm tired So please don't try and wake me So please don't try and wake me So please don't try and wake me