You are delicate You are beautiful The shape of only one object To treat carefully as a valuable thing Is the true love there ? 何も無かったかのように 無意識に出来たかのように見せてく 労せず技巧を隠して その無造作に惹き込まれる Grab a heart An attractive personality Why am I strongly drawn to you? I was taken aback by the beauty! Impermanent beauty in simplicity 気づかないうちに惹き込まれてる 美しさを隠さずに Just like 「Alfa Romeo」 Grab a heart An attractive personality Why am I strongly drawn to you? I was taken aback by the beauty! Don't take things for granted! It's too late if you realize how important something was after you lose it Grab a heart An attractive personality Why am I strongly drawn to you? I was taken aback by the beauty! I like it Be fascinated I'm proud of you