I need a bit of orbit now So bean me up I have to cover vast distances Oh never to stop I'll be ground into a pour roman pin Crawling thing Can you take me up way up deep deep Beyond the stratosphere Step inside a sleep efficient space machine We got all the spacious things you'll ever need Comfort guaranteed just leave your earthliness Be would you dance with us dance with us You'll never have to touch the ground (by walking) User make us softer sound (space talking) Everything is upside down (it's lasting) Let's do what connecting encounter (was wandering) Where did you go Where did you go Where did you go Where did you go <♪> You're bound to get the swing of things now But stay close to me And get into a nice straight ejectury without gravity In the end you'll find you're made of stelarium stuff Berely hanging on by you're thin thread was never good enough Find yourself united with the space machine Nothing between you and selestial gear Mission complete you've left you're earthliness Be would you dance with us d-d-dance with us You'll never have to touch the ground (by walking) User make us softer sound (space talking) Everything is upside down (it's lasting) Let's do what connecting encounter (was wandering) Where did you go Where did you go Where did you go Where did you go Where did you go Where did you go Where did you go <♪> You'll never have to touch the ground (by walking) User make us softer sound (space talking) Everything is upside down (it's lasting) Let's do what connecting encounter (was wandering) You'll never have to touch the ground (by walking) User make us softer sound (space talking) Everything is upside down (it's lasting) Let's do what connecting encounter (was wandering) You'll never have to touch the ground (by walking) User make us softer sound (space talking) Everything is upside down (it's lasting) Let's do what connecting encounter Where did you go