<The closed door of the mind to silence in the dark night The answer you were looking for is wrapping up this world> <The closed door of the mind to silence in the dark night The answer you were looking for is wrapping up this world> <The closed door of the mind to silence in the dark night The answer you were looking for is wrapping up this world> <The closed door of the mind to silence in the dark night The answer you were looking for is wrapping up this world> 闇夜に響く静寂に 心の扉閉ざされた 迷い込んだ不安の渦 全ての嘘が絡み付いた明日 <The closed door of the mind to silence in the dark night The answer you were looking for is wrapping up this world> <The closed door of the mind to silence in the dark night The answer you were looking for is wrapping up this world> 夢見ることも忘れ去り 過ぎ行く時に息潜め 縛られたその螺旋から 逃げることだけを追い続けた日々 立ち上がれ 追憶から呼び覚ます 光抱いて 今強い決意持って 何も恐れること無く 哀しみの果てにどんな 苦しみが待っていても 真実を追い求めて 君も僕も生きていく <The closed door of the mind to silence in the dark night The answer you were looking for is wrapping up this world> <The closed door of the mind to silence in the dark night The answer you were looking for is wrapping up this world> 掠れた声で呟いた 現実だけが知っていた 壊すべき予定調和と 守るべき混沌(カオス)の その境界を <The closed door of the mind to silence in the dark night The answer you were looking for is wrapping up this world> <The closed door of the mind to silence in the dark night The answer you were looking for is wrapping up this world> 見せかけだけの毎日に 隠されたその本質が 暴かれた裏切り者の その存在をいま蹴散らしていく 舞い上がれ 忘却から溢れ出す 涙の雨 闇だけに支配された 夜を冷たく濡らして 喜びの朝がいつか その心 照らしたとき 求めてたその答えが この世界を包み込む <The closed door of the mind to silence in the dark night The answer you were looking for is wrapping up this world> <The closed door of the mind to silence in the dark night The answer you were looking for is wrapping up this world> 立ち上がれ 追憶から呼び覚ます 光抱いて 今強い決意持って 何も恐れること無く 哀しみの果てにどんな 苦しみが待っていても 真実を追い求めて 君も僕も生きていく <The closed door of the mind>