Squeaking my shoes Still dragging my heart 小さい箱の中Staring contest Suppressing myself And I raise my fall cheek 泣き顔隠すのも慣れた いつも通り変哲もない街を 横目に流れるDay by day “A Normal Life” これだけの事が こんなに難しいことだなんて Ah 夢見た未来は いつ来るだろう Please tell me My tomorrow be little brighter Ah “Do something for others” Such a thing, Don't think about it Want to live staying true to myself デタラメな夜 過ぎ去った昨日には It's over I wave goodbye いつもいつの日も Let's walk with facing forward Seek for a new wind 心濡らした雨を 凌げる傘は持ってはいない 瞳の奥に隠した 涙の行き先はどこへ 「苦しい」と叫んだ声は どこに流れていくのでしょうか I'm tired and stopped thinking about it I know! Wake up my life “Do something for others” Such a thing, Don't think about it Want to live staying true to myself デタラメな夜 過ぎ去った昨日には It's over I wave goodbye いつもいつの日も Let's walk with facing forward Seek for a new wind My whole world changed just right now Waking up Looking forward to the future