Let me cry, let me sing I wish for simple days I want to keep praying In the world May the sweet days continue I want to sleep with you Even if It's messy I can't love the miserable Picture of a distant city As well I can respect the life show me In the conversation I leave for tomorrow Suddenly disgusted On a perfect tomorrow But you show me the future Let me cry, let me sing I wish for simple days I want to keep praying In the world May the sweet days continue I want to sleep with you Even if It's messy Suddenly disgusted On a perfect tomorrow But you show me the future Let me cry, let me sing I wish for simple days I want to keep praying In the world May the sweet days continue I want to sleep with you Even if It's messy Let me cry, let me sing I wish for simple days I want to keep praying In the world May the sweet days continue I want to sleep with you Even if It's messy Let me cry, let me sing May the sweet days continue I want to sleep with you Even if It's messy