Who was that, who was that Someone walked their feet through my house Who was that, who was that Someone sneaking quiet as a mouse Who was that, who was that Someone left their shoes on the stairs Who was that, who was that Laughing just like no one cares Someone in my house, I declare Playing cards, solitaire Who was playing in my house Someone in my kitchen munching out Peanut butter, there's no doubt Who was eating in my house Someone took a bath, Mr. Bubble Middle name, must be trouble Who was playing in my house Someone on the porch right outside Here I come, you better hide Who was hiding inside Who was that Someone walked their feet through my house Who was that, who was that Someone sneaking quiet as a mouse Who was that, who was that Someone left the radio on Who was that, who was that One minute here, now he's gone Someone in my house, I declare Playing cards, solitaire Who was playing in my house Someone in my kitchen munching out Peanut butter, there's no doubt Who was playing in my house Someone took a bath, Mr. Bubble Middle name, must be trouble Who was playing in my house Someone on the porch right outside Here I come, you better hide Who was hiding inside Who was that Who was that Who was that