Itchy Feet

Track byHorrorshow

  • 2024.11.08
  • 3:58


He woke up, didn't really know how he got there Wasn't too sure why neither A believer of sorts Just not too sure what sort of belief to believe in So when the sun goes down each evening he looks to the sky for a reason Wonders what's behind the horizon so he packs light and he's off and he's leaving So he walks on looking for something But just what it is, well he wasn't too sure So he walked all day, then he walked all night Then he walked all year, then he walked some more Then he (?) then he stopped Took a look around to just see where he'd got to Didn't recognise the spot so he took it all in Got his things, and he up and moved on We roam all over the planet looking for answers Cross over timezones, connect the dots on the atlas So as this world keeps turning around on its axis On we march with itchy feet, there's always somewhere you could be We roam all over the planet looking for answers Cross over timezones, connect the dots on the atlas So as this world keeps turning around on its axis On we march with itchy feet, there's always somewhere you could be So he walked all over the land Over snow and desert sands Through valleys and mountains, cities and towns When he got to the ocean he swam When it was too far, he learnt to fly Built a set of wings and he took to the sky So he looked high and low tryn'a find what it's like on the other side And everywhere that he went he'd ask people questions Swapped stories and traded perspectives Each moving in different directions Paths on the map just intersecting And though the names and the faces changed some things remained the same And some spoke with words he couldn't understand But some things you don't need words to say And then one day, he looks back and sees how far he's come All the faces he's met on the way since he left from the place that he started from All living off the food that they learnt how to grow and the rules that they learnt to know So he took everything that he'd learnt from them and he set off to look for home We roam all over the planet looking for answers Cross over timezones, connect the dots on the atlas So as this world keeps turning around on its axis On we march with itchy feet, there's always somewhere you could be We roam all over the planet looking for answers Cross over timezones, connect the dots on the atlas So as this world keeps turning around on its axis On we march with itchy feet, there's always somewhere you could be Left, right, left, right Catch me on the next flight Onward through the dead of night Searching for a fresh sky Over land, over sea Planet never goes to sleep On we march with itchy feet There's always somewhere you could be, say We roam all over the planet looking for answers Cross over timezones, connect the dots on the atlas So as this world keeps turning around on its axis On we march with itchy feet, there's always somewhere you could be He woke up, still didn't know how he got there Still wasn't sure why either A believer of sorts Believes in the faith that he found in the places he's been in When the sun goes down each evening He's dreaming of somewhere scenic Behind the horizon there's a whole world to see He won't stop till he's seen it


