Love the way you sit by the window you lying on me l'm a pillow The way you claim me as yours So delicate its rude though I'm a cat person I'm a cat person 迷恋像层纱掩耳目 妳是全部谁等摆渡 Feeling like I'm wearing perfume Said it's the mark left by you 彻底是个夜型人一碰阳光就懒散 绕着屋子打转快乐是那么的简单 水瓶或猫性我猜占各半 You comfort me by just being here Hold my hands 趁着夜 沿着墙面 晃一圈 追着光点迎着风妳的侧脸 Stunning Shut down my left brain 看见光晕绕着妳的声线 Love the way you sit by the window you lying on me l'm a pillow The way you claim me as yours So delicate its rude though I'm a cat person I'm a cat person Love the way you sit by the window you lying on me I'm a pillow The way you claim me as yours So delicate its rude though I'm a cat person 焦虑来自假想眼光 而妳丝毫不介意 甚至没想过 You don't even know how cute you are 每次都生气 夸妳夸的不着边际 卡在沙发上 烦恼下餐去哪里 Blame me not thinking 我忙着看妳 Hold my hands 趁着夜 沿着墙面 晃一圈 追着光点迎着风妳的侧脸 Stunning Shut down my left brain 看见光晕绕着妳的声线 Love the way you sit by the window you lying on me I'm a pillow The way you claim me as yours So delicate its rude though I'm a cat person I'm a cat person Love the way you sit by the window you lying on me l'm a pillow The way you claim me as yours So delicate its rude though I'm a cat person I'm a cat person