Taste this peace It will make you weak in the knees Make you want to plant unity with all your apple seeds We're going to mix a mixture to create a portrait picture Organic natural visions that will taste real sweet Traveling bhodisattvas transform madness into an opera Oh the sky is falling but there is plenty of room to breath A moonshine conspiracy the beauty it brings joy to me All this untapped energy it makes me feel so free With the stars out We got everything that can save us With my window down I've found my way to my haven I'm a beautiful lunatic A howl at the moon until the lunar eclipse And i sip from the wine my father gave me I'm willing to take all this pain from my feet I've walked everywhere in these shoes looking for you Following the stars above following the scent of love It's all true it's all true I'm just an orphan of the sky Who and what and when and why There's no proof there's no proof On this plain Everything is rearranged See we co exist with love and that will never ever change Well the grass grows when the music flows Don't you know this feeling will put you right at home The connection not to mention it has such a good intention The spider met the blossom well he showed so much affection Oh my friends i send you my good prayers If you ever need a lift to heaven you can take my stairs