Don't be "Stop-and-Frisk" twice a day. At most it is well that only once. Don't be "Stop-and-Frisk" twice a day. At most it is well that only once. 大阪は喜志駅と 芸大の間に架かってる橋の端で 頻繁に警察の方から声を掛けられて 止められ質問されて… 何してんですか? 学生さんですか? どこ行くんですか? 何を持ってんすか? 自転車見ていいすか? 防犯登録番号の 確認してもいいですか? もー!やめて1日に2回も!!! 行きも帰りもやめてー!!! 悪い事してへん!!! Don't be "Stop-and-Frisk" twice a day. At most it is well that only once, one time. Don't be "Stop-and-Frisk" twice a day. At most it is well that only once, one time. 毎週も毎週も呼び止められて 来週も再来週も確認をされる 防犯登録番号ばかり聞かれて もう沢山!!! そんな胡散くさいすか俺?そっか… うおー!やめて1日に2回も!!! 行きも帰りもやめてー!!! 悪い事してへんから もう呼び止めんのやめてー! Don't be "Stop-and-Frisk" twice a day. At most it is well that only once, one time. Don't be "Stop-and-Frisk" twice a day. At most it is well that only once, one time. Don't be "Stop-and-Frisk" twice a day. At most it is well that only once. Don't be "Stop-and-Frisk" twice a day. At most it is well that only once. Don't be "Stop-and-Frisk" twice a day. At most it is well that only once, one time. Don't be "Stop-and-Frisk" twice a day. At most it is well that only once, one time. やめて1日に2回も!!! 行きも帰りもやめてー!!! 職務質問せめて1日に1回で頼む