You had an organ, it was in the basement, Your momma used to go down and play. You had an organ, it was in the basement, We'd stay down there all day Yellow Rose of Texas, Red Red Rose Blue Christmas without you The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want, The Titanic sailed the ocean blue. Heart and soul, Bless My Soul, You could make it play the mandolin, remember? Violin, polka, waltz, xylophone, rock n roll, Dial in the right amount of schmaltz. Play the same song til your hands get sore Then dance in a circle til your twice-tied shoes Make a big skidmark on the floor. The radio said that a psychic said that the world was going to end. We watched from your back door as the trees blew down your yard We lay there together under the stars And we prayed there together, we wished hard We're too young to die, God, too young to die. We slept, half-sitting in lawn chairs, waiting to be taken. You had an organ, it was in the basement Your momma used to go down and play Your parents worked nights and they both worked hard, So you were glad when I could stay. Roll Out the Barrel, Roll in the Hay, Happy Birthday to you Tennessee Waltz, Joy to the World, Don't you know I'm Crazy For You Pray for the dead and the dead will pray for you Push a little green button, start up the band and Fill up the air with song, right to the ceiling, Insulation you can touch with your hand