Back in 1916 uh Taking the trip to Brussels It's been a long time モノクロの movie みたいだね 青い空の下 街灯がロウソクの様に1・2・3 "Blow it out" One late night A bird with a cloud in the blue sky is flying over my head The girls with umbrellas in the blue sky fly down over my head Yeah もっと free your 鏡の中 映る後ろ姿は 奇怪な世界の obscurity 不思議なリアルに rendezvous I know I do 満たされるのさ いい時に流れてた Kay Kyser and His Orchestra You remind me 忘れてた世界を A bird with a cloud in the blue sky is flying over my head The girls with umbrellas in the blue sky fly down over my head Flying over my head Flying over my head 目を閉じていたんだと 気づいた時 肩に触れた your touch "There's someone in my room" R-e-n-e-M-a-g-r-i-t-t-e in my room R-e-n-e-M-a-g-r-i-t-t-e in my room Flying over my head