It's OK, it's OK, it's OK Stand back look out tomorrow Here comes a man without sorrow I guess it's OK if today's unlike the rest And it's OK that I'm not quite at my best But if you're looking at me to set your mind at ease Well then there's no way, let's just give it all a rest I know you and all you're thinking You know me, you know I'm sinking Stand back look out tomorrow Here comes a man without sorrow Good thing looks are deceiving Quick smile then I should be leaving And so it's OK that I shouldn't say a word And it's OK that what I think is never heard But I'm looking at you to help me understand why it is OK That I hide behind these words I know you and all you're thinking You know me, you know I'm sinking It's OK, it's OK, it's OK But it's OK, it's OK, it's OK, it's OK, it's OK,