Ganja Smuggling

Track byEek-A-Mouse

  • 2005.06.20
  • 3:52


Bidi Bidi Bong Bong Bidi Bong Bong Bidi Bong Bong Bidi Me'hen Bong Bong Bidi Bong Bong Bidi Bong Bong Bidi Men Bena Bena bohoi gena men den gena men ehya Early, early sunday morning it was a big ganja smuggling Ina de mud me a pick kali bud an me a load dem down in off the top (?) One by one, load up de van, all of-a ganja it ram Put it on a plane, the weed gaan a Spain Money jus' a pour like rain Me jus' a mogel up the lane in a rolled gold chain Me an me girl name Jane Bong Gong Gidi Bong Gong Gidi memdem dem dem Bena Bena mohoi bena mendem gena iohoi Dong Dong didi dong dong gidi mendem gidi mendem geda mendem gena mendem gena men-den Dung dere in the ghetto I go, where sufferation I once know, ey Mummy an daddy, all a' we so poor, we all had to sleep on the floor Storm it come and it blow dung me door, me ha fi nail up me window Me shoes tear up, me toe just a show, me nuh know a where fi really wan' go Mummy jus' a bawl 'poor, poor, poor', me cry, she seh 'son cry no more' Dong Dong Didi Dong Dong gidi mendem den den bena bena mohoi stena mendem genamoi Dong Dong didi dong dong gena mendem den den bena bene mohoi gena mendem gena iohoi gena men Early, early sunday morning it was a big ganja smuggling Ina de mud me a pick kali bud an me a load dem down in off the top (?) One by one, load up de van, all of-a ganja it ram Put it on a plane, the weed gaan a Spain Money jus' a pour like rain Me jus' a mogel up the lane in a rolled gold chain Me an me girl name Jane Dang dang didi bong gong gidi bong gong gidi men bena bena bohoi spen dem dem gena men bong gong gidi bong gong gidi bong gong gidi ben bena bena bohoi gen gen gena men-den Dung dere in the ghetto I go, where tribulation I once know, ey Mummy an daddy, all a' we so poor, we all had to sleep on the floor Storm it come and it blow dung me door, me ha fi nail up me window Me shoes tear up, me toe just a show, me nuh know a where fi really wan' go Mama tell me 'nah rob drug store, police beat yuh, mek yu back sore ,ey ' dang dang didi dang dang gidi bang gang gidi men bena bohoi bene bi deberen ehya



