This old car, was once brand new On the day, that you were born But sixteen years, have rolled right through And soon you'll drive me on your own Sixteen years is young for you But cars don't age so well My door hinge speaks, repairs to do But I've got this life of tales to tell A tiny babe came home one day Through the newly fallen snow They brought you home and on the way I knew we had some miles to go There were Christmas trees for all those years And they shed their trace of pine And there's drops of milk and your young tears Where you spilled your cup and started crying And the grass stains here are soccer greens And there's sand from castle beach There's a Starburst lost from Halloween That fell down through beneath the seats Back and forth to every lesson Building what you know There was something gained for every mile Like a seed you plant and hope may grow Well, you had your place in that back seat As you grew from grade to grade Your time back there is now complete When you're free to drive, you've got it made And the roads out there are to make your choice And decide which way to steer You'll be on your own, I have no voice At least not the kind that ears can hear You now have your longest highway Still in you to go Yeah, but all I need, for all I gave Is to see you live, so take it slow