I went down to the station Just to take a ride. I went down to the station Just to take a ride. Found myself on a flat-car Yesterday behind. Pullin' out from the platform, There was no brass band. I pulled out from the platform; Nobody raised a hand. And there were no tears of regret From my runaway train, Train, train, train, train. Got no sand in my pocket, You know, I ain't tied down. Ain't no sand in my pocket, Never do sit down. I'm just a cross-tie walker Where the freight trains run, Run, run, run, run. If you see me a-comin', Don't you waste my time. If you see me a-comin', Don't you waste my time. 'Cause there's more miles between us Than the Santa Fe Line. Run, run, run, run. Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm, Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm. Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm, Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm...