Stress Builds Character

Track byDystopia

  • 1994.10.14
  • 5:49


I am so tired, Sometimes I feel so tired, I can't eat I can't sleep. So tired. The pressure builds and builds. Seems like theres no release. The things I see go unnoticed by some. Fills my eyes with horror. Anger, the guilt and the frustration, And depression makes waking up every day harder and harder. I work my fingers to the bone just to survive. I got to get money so I can have a home. So I can breathe, eat and live in this society. I don't even like money! And I got to work everyday just to feed myself. God it makes me sick. I just wanna curl up into a hole and die. This-this isn't worth it. I need a raise man! I can't survive on this faith anymore. I can't live on this, I'm hungry, And I'm frustrated, And I can't eat damnit. God I meant for you to help. And I have seen no help, And I have seen no corpse, no necks no brains. You don't care, you don't love me! I only love myself. No one will love me like I love me. Life's been swell now I want to die My body it hurts me sigh after sign I call it torture you call it life A slave to money and everything I despise Like everyone in general Fuck eat sleep destroy, just about everything you fucking enjoy. I am a disposable being Who will fuck all life I multiply and the air gets thinner and dirty I take up space I smell I consume But I produce nothing I abuse I have no reason to exist The toilets clogged in this world of shit I breathe filth everyday Living fucks up my brain Why? Why did I wake up today? My eyes are heavy Why? Why must I see your face? Your life is ugly Why? Why must I buy into these things? I don't want them Tension. Tension. Frustraton. Alone. Tension. Despair. Tension. All these pressures on my life.



