Stand! all you need is "Fushigi" Tonight 罠にハマる様な Dancing all night long and you make it 気まぐれなfall in love When you feeling 不確かなlight 明かり照らすくらい Carry on… I just wanna beat it so high Shout! 誕生 standard who shake it tonight 何故に惑う your love 写真の dance sceneも単純 make it 気がつけば melt in love what you thinkにフタしたらbright 手当たりし dance to die Carry on! I just wanna beat it so high 星のかけらあつめ billion dollar I can't explain な夜 don't think feel so high Sometimes I sing sweet sweet song 不思議に近づきたいね 愛ゆえにlove ただそこにある add sugar and make me feel so free There is no other way without clapping and move your feet!