Hull The doorknob needs mending, the letters need sending, the kitchens a disgrace, grease all over the place. I see your pretty picture, the one you gave me last eastern has a mostache drawn in green, where your lipsticks should have been. Chorus: You've never think, of time till it passes you by never miss the water, till the well runs dry You never count, the days till the nights grow cold never think you're aged, till you realise you're old. The ashtrays are brimful, my secrets are sinful and I drink a lot now, it's the only friend I've got now. I'd write you a letter, there's a hole in my sweater and I need to mend it, so I wouldn't have the time to send it. Chorus: You've never think, of time till it passes you by never miss the water, till the well runs dry You never count, the days till the nights grow cold never think you're aged, till you realise you're old. I could not live with you, but it's so hard without you I'm a helpless case, a misfit social disgrace. Maybe next century, I'll come to my senses work out the reason why, you never miss the water, till the well runs dry. Chorus: You've never think, of time till it passes you by never miss the water, till the well runs dry You never count, the days till the nights grow cold never think you're aged, till you realise you're old.