It happened in Jacksboro In the year of seventy-three A man by the name of Krego Came steppin' up to me Saying "How'd ya do, young feller?" And, "How would ya like to go And spend one summer pleasantly On the range of the buffalo?" "It's me bein' out of employment, boys" This to Krego he did say "This goin' out on the buffalo range Depends upon your pay But if you pay good wages Give transportation too I think, Sir, I'll go with you To the range of the buffalo" "The season bein' over" Old Krego he did say The crowd had been extravagant Was in debt to him that day We coaxed and we begged him And still it was no go We left old Krego's bones to bleach On the range of the buffalo Oh, it's now we've crossed Pease River, boys And homeward we are bound. No more in that hellfired country Shall ever we be found Go home to our wives and sweethearts Tell others not to go For God's forsaken the Buffalo Range And the damned old buffalo