I break in a top either what talk to kill so why kick so why not? that wrong that clearly this billing to him it seems variant I'd like to make a new light Horrifying black light eternal gateway Add a few of your tears to this dirty sadness of mine * Invisible Karma Mad voice held its breath Invisible Karma Mad voice hold up breath 昨日の晩を通り越して ソファにずっと寝転んで アンチクライストの夢をみた 僕は誰? Slow but it's definitely changing world like a change the position of the stars I don't need a cheap happy ending I don't need a typical happy ending Somewhere a sad event happens every day everynight As usual, I know nothing; I can't do anything. like an idiot Someday, I'll realize that a monster will crumble above my head Add a few of your tears to this dirty my catharsis. 流れるようなRetrofit 真理表すメロディ いたずらに生まれて いたずらに消えていく