Will you destroy the righteous with the wicked Shine your mercy on but fifty men Show me ten yet worthy to see the sun again Though you're naught but dust and ash I will relent Stand and be counted Turn from these ruins Run Fire rains from the sky The hand of justice falls You spit in the face of one whose might is yet untold Fire rains from the sky The scales have tipped too far A monument encased in ash naught but a grave Where are these men that came to you this night Bring them forth that we may know them Be struck blind clear now a path for those I love Await the brimstone that comes soon to fill your grave Stand and be counted Turn from these ruins Run Fire rains from the sky The hand of justice falls You spit in the face of one whose might is yet untold Fire rains from the sky The scales have tipped too far A monument encased in ash naught but a grave Whoa break it down The stench of Sodom quenched in smoke and flame Angels enraged bring judgment hence Justice comes burning sear you from the face of the earth Dead eyes raised to an ash choked sky Stand and be counted Turn from these ruins Run Fire rains from the sky The hand of justice falls You spit in the face of one whose might is yet untold Fire rains from the sky The scales have tipped too far A monument encased in ash naught but a grave