Old Mate! In the gusty old weather, When our hopes and our troubles were new; In the years we spent in wearing out leather, I found you unselfish and true- I have gathered these songs together For the sake of our friendship and true... And I send them along instead of the letters I promised to write to you... I remember, Old Man, I remember- The tracks that we followed are clear; The jovial last nights of December, The solemn first days of the year; Long tramps through the clearings and the timber, Short partings on platform and pier I remember, Old Man, I remember- The tracks that we followed are clear... I can still feel the spirit that bore us And often the old stars will shine- I remember the las spree in chorus For the sake of that other Lang Syne. When the tracks lay divided before us, Your path through the future and mine; I can still feel the spirit that bore us, And often the old stars will shine... you will find in these pages a trace of That side of our past which was bright, And recognize sometimes the face of A friend, a friend who has dropped out of sight; I have gathered these songs together For the sake of our friendship and you; And I send them along instead of the letters I promised to write to you...