My name is“B”. Needless to say... I wish you would know me. Ready?? Play-Ball, Right now!! What do you mean?? 戦略 RICH No!No! 簡単に見せない そこんとこケチ I am a Hunter. Open-Minded Gotcha!! a, a, Attention, Let's get going!! Now!! Don't stop もう 止まらない PRIDE ただ前へ Running 誰も逃げられない Just Tornado これこそ ORIX Buffaloes まだ手にしてない夢がある だから 突き進む 紅く燃える方へ ...らしくていいだろう? “I am B” 荒ぶった闘志で 狙うは一撃 (Let's get going!! Now!!) 地面蹴り上げて 容赦無い威嚇を (Let's get going!! Now!!) Hey! Don't be scared. 鋭い視線で捉え Hey! Don't be scared. その目 逸らさせはしない Be... Be Aggressive!! Is this seat empty?? ONE 目指すべき 日本一の席 そう Like a Sniper. Oh-my... Don't freak out! a, a, Attention, Let's get going!! Now!! Never stop そう 譲れない PRIDE まだ先へ Running 誰も逃げられない Just Tornado これこそ ORIX Buffaloes 辿り着けない場所など無い だから 突き進む 紅く燃える方へ ...らしくていいだろう? “I am B” 荒ぶった闘志で 狙うは一撃 (Let's get going!! Now!!) 地面蹴り上げて 容赦無い威嚇を (Let's get going!! Now!!) Hey! Don't be scared. 鋭い視線で捉え Hey! Don't be scared. その目 逸らさせはしない My name is“B”. Needless to say... I wish you would know me. Ready?? Play-Ball, Right now!! Bring it on!! Bring it on!! Bring it on!! (Red! Mine!) Bring it on!! Bring it on!! Bring it on!! (Let's get going!! Now!!) Bring it on!! Bring it on!! Bring it on!! (Red! Mine!) Bring it on!! Bring it on!! Bring it on!! (Let's get going!! Now!!) Run & Run & Run (My name is“B”. Needless to say...) Run & Run & Run (Let's get going!! Now!!) Run & Run & Run (This is the last. My name is“B”. Don't forget it.) Run & Run & Run (Let's get going!! Now!!)