

  “ 秋の夕暮れ散歩道 ” やっと太陽が傾いて 最近の一日は 朝と夜がとても寒くて 昼ごろから冷房が ほしくなるくらい暑かったり この貴重な一番良い時間 僕はそそくさと散歩に出かける 先ずは砂浜の海沿いを 南に向かう ニ級河川が海に流れ込むところ 釣り人がちらほら ボラ、フナ、フグ、コイ そんな魚たちが透き通った 川の流れの中に見える 小さな桜の公園 今は裸で ちょっと寒そうな桜の木々たち 名も知らぬ小鳥の囀り 川の中央にできた砂地に 鷺が大きな羽をたたんで舞い降りる 稲が刈られた田園 その向こうにノコギリ山と この町の人たちが呼ぶ山並み ゆっくりと歩く 微かな風を頬に感じて 帰り道は 昔は栄えていたのだろう ほとんどがシャッターを下す商店街 色褪せた看板 今ではレトロなオブジェ 小さな駅前に出た さぁ コンビニで 何かお菓子でも買って帰ろうか     “Autumn evening walk” The sun is finally setting Recently, the mornings and nights have been very cold and it's been so hot around noon that I've been wanting the air conditioner This precious, best time I hurry out for a walk First, I head south along the sandy beach Where a second-class river flows into the sea There are a few fishermen Mullet, crucian carp, pufferfish, carp Such fish can be seen in the clear river A small cherry blossom park Now bare, the cherry trees look a little cold the chirps of an unknown bird a heron flies down to the sandy area in the middle of the river, folding its large wings rice fields where the rice has been harvested beyond that is Sawtooth Mountain the mountain range that the people of this town call walking slowly, feeling the gentle breeze on my cheeks on the way home a shopping street that must have flourished in the past most of the shops are closed faded signs now a retro objet I've come to a small station now, I'll buy some snacks at the convenience store  