

  “Summer Pier” Back then, all the men spent money on cars, driving around the city at night, calling out to women dressed up after the disco, asking them to go see the night view at the pier, but they would always turn them down. On that pier, big-displacement motorcycles were lined up, and everyone sat on the concrete, smoking, talking nonsense, laughing. On the cape, stylish coupes with couples on board were lined up at random intervals, facing the sea, glancing at them and thinking, “It’s too much trouble to go to a place like this.” Hey, stop trying to create a good atmosphere Just hurry up and do what you have to do at the hotel Someone muttered again Everyone snorted and gave a bitter smile But even so, it was dawn The sun slowly appeared over the horizon Everyone's faces watching it looked really cool Come on, it's about time to leave I'm going to be late My boss will be annoying if I'm late Looking a bit like annoyance, they got into their favorite cars and straddled their motorbikes Everyone looked cool And everyone was really, really young...   “ 夏の埠頭 ” あの頃の男たちは みんな車に金をかけて 夜の街を流しては ディスコ帰りの着飾った 女たちに声をかけては 埠頭の夜景を見に行かないかと 誘っちゃ振られていたものさ そんな埠頭には デカい排気量のバイクを並べて コンクリーに座り込んでさ みんなでタバコふかしながら 馬鹿話しをしながら笑いあってた 岬にはカップルを乗せた お洒落なクーペがポツポツと 適当な間隔で海を向いて並んでて チラッと目をやっては こんなとこでめんどくせぇ 雰囲気づくりなんてしてないで さっさとホテルで やることやってこいよななんて また誰かが呟いて みんな鼻で笑って苦笑い それでも明け方のさ 水平線からゆっくり顔を出す太陽 それを眺めるみんなの顔は なんかとてもクールだった さぁ そろそろ出ないとな 遅刻しちまう 遅れるとうちの頭領うるせぇからよ ちょっとめんどくさそうに 愛車に乗り込みバイクに跨りそれぞれ みんなカッコよかった そしてみんなとてもとても若かったな…    