I woke up in the morning. I remember the dream I just had. 頭に浮かぶ君の魔法が効いてる I fall in love with you all over again. I want to touch you again and again. Let's meet again and again and make love. Your unfathomable charm 焦がしたパンの耳残して 僕のお皿に乗せる また君のわがままに踊らされては ニヤけてる Come on! Dance with me tonight. I want to dance with you right now. Come on! Dance with me tonight. A day for you and me だらしない姿さりげない瞬間も 愛らしく思う魔法の仕業だろう I fall in love with you all over again. I want to touch you again and again. Let's meet again and again and make love. Your unfathomable charm 溢れた想いだけ僕の心は燃え上がる まだ君のわがままに 踊らされ続けていたい 感情のジェットコースター 飽きるくらいに乗り回そう その内歳を食い疲れ果てて眠る、 だから! Come on! Dance with me tonight. I want to dance with you right now. Come on! Dance with me tonight. A day for you and me