闇の中 もがいてばかり 未来の影 追いかけるけど 手に入らない 見えない光 孤独の中で 声が出ない 夢も希望も 遠い過去の話 自己肯定感 消えた心の話 不安の海に飲まれる日々 でもここで立ち上がれ その時 心の重力解き放て 闇を切り裂け 光へ 不安も恐れも捨て去れ 自分を信じて 前へ進め 失敗恐れず 挑み続けろ 倒れてもがき 上向いて 空を見上げて 鼓動を感じ 一歩踏み出せ 未来のために 心の声を大事にして 小さな望みを見つけ出して 力を振り絞り 立ち上がれ 君の中にある 無限の可能性 心の重力解き放て 闇を切り裂け 光へ 不安も恐れも捨て去れ 自分を信じて 前へ進め [English Lyrics] Struggling endlessly in the darkness, Chasing the shadows of a future unknown. An invisible light I can’t hold in my hands, Lost in loneliness, my voice won’t come out. Dreams and hope feel like tales of the past, A heart consumed by self-doubt and despair. Days swallowed by a sea of anxiety, But rise again— this is your moment. Break free from the gravity of your heart, Cut through the darkness, move toward the light. Cast away your fears and doubts, Believe in yourself, take a step forward. Fear no failure, keep challenging yourself, Even if you fall, rise and look ahead. Lift your gaze to the sky, feel your heartbeat, Take that step forward— for the future is yours. Listen closely to the voice within, Find the glimmer of a small hope inside. Gather your strength and rise once more, Within you lies infinite potential. Break free from the gravity of your heart, Cut through the darkness, move toward the light. Cast away your fears and doubts, Believe in yourself, take a step forward.