The kids, the kids, the kids, the kids They're sneaking around, sneaking around, walking in on you Walking in on you, it's true Here they come, here they come, unannounced and unexpected Walking in on you, they're coming through Early in the morning, they're multiplying twofold Growing in their numbers and their size Picking the flowers, oh, walking through your home Looking out for candy and for pie Doesn't matter what they say, they'll say it anyway Dragging along a shovel and a pail Licking ice cream cones, eating candy bars Riding on their bikes o'er hill and dale They think that work is play, playing all the day Innocent of worry and of care Wasn't it yesterday that they weren't in the way? Pestering their elders on a dare The kids, the kids, they think they own the place Barging in to make themselves at home In their bathing suits, with their great big towels Creeping forward to usurp your throne