The court calls John Q. Public Nuisance to the stand You are on trial for breaking laws throughout the land Here a misdemeanor and there a felony Remorselessly destroying private property Breaking people's windows and vandalizing signs Defacing public statues and condoning petty crimes Dismiss the angry plaintiffs with a shrug or a guffaw Hobby or profession, it is still against the law The court calls John Q. Public Nuisance to the stand You are on trial for disobeying God's command In thought and word, in word and deed you have blasphemed Now only by Christ's mercy can you be redeemed Though you indulge an appetite for every sinful vice Jesus offered up himself as a pascal sacrifice He turned the other cheek and taught us to forgive Did you not know he died that you and I may live? Although it's evident you're guilty as can be You've been acquitted on a technicality The strife is o'er now, but in its aftermath Jesus will be lenient, but God will show his wrath