悩みこんでしまうからいなら エンターキーで解決だすぐさま でもなんだかそればっかりでは 頭の中が電池切れみたいだ Be careful of its convenience! Easy come, easy go! The answer which has a no process will try to kill imagination. The answer which has a difficult process will try to grow imagination. The answer which has a no process will try to kill imagination. The answer which has a difficult process will try to grow imagination. 何も知らない子供の頃の 奇想天外な行動や想像は 今も鮮明に思い出せるんだ むしろ最近の事よりも (検索してもどうせ すぐ忘れてまた繰り返して) 忘れぬ為の遠回りは 決して無駄なエラーじゃないだろう Be careful of its convenience! Easy come, easy go! The answer which has a no process will try to kill imagination. The answer which has a difficult process will try to grow imagination. Be careful of its convenience! Easy come, easy go! Hey guys, please don’t forget it! Easy come, easy go! Be careful of its convenience! Easy come, easy go! Hey guys, please don’t forget it! Easy come, easy go! The answer which has a no process will try to kill imagination. The answer which has a difficult process will try to grow imagination. The answer which has a no process will try to kill imagination. The answer which has a difficult process will try to grow imagination. Hey you! Take care!! Oh yeah!!! Easy come, easy go!