The sun is rising, it's fine today. Other guys have already left. A lucky goddess isn't here. When you are slow, it's time- out. Just hurry up!! (Dance in the busy world. Sing in the noisy world.) Hurry to get your hope. (Dance in the busy world. Sing in the noisy world.) But I find out it's so hard. 寄り道でこそ得るもの 背にして進まなきゃならないん だってさぁ ならば息が切れるほど 全速力で Just hurry up!! (Dance in the busy world. Sing in the noisy world.) Hurry to get your hope. (Dance in the busy world. Sing in the noisy world.) But I find out it's so hard. Dance in the busy world. Sing in the noisy world. Hurry to get your hope. But I find out it's so hard. Dance in the busy world. Sing in the noisy world. Hurry to get your hope. But I find out it's so hard. Just hurry up!! (Dance in the busy world. Sing in the noisy world.) Hurry to get your hope. (Dance in the busy world. Sing in the noisy world.) But I find out it's so hard. You're advancing while worrying. You may stop walking actually. I think freedom is fine for you. But I say because you would like to get your hope. 『Just hurry up!!』