Kilroy was here, the rumor came ヤツは今日も情報スクウォット Kilroy, what? You believe that? まるでマインド・ファッカー Kilroy, Kilroy, Kilroy Kilroy, Kilroy, Kilroy Kilroy, Kilroy, Kilroy Kilroy, Kilroy, Kilroy Kilroy was here, the rumor came ヤツは今日も情報スクウォット Kilroy, what? You believe that? まるでマインド・ユースクエイク Kilroy, Kilroy, Kilroy Kilroy, Kilroy, Kilroy Kilroy, Kilroy, Kilroy Kilroy, Kilroy, Kilroy Don't be taken in his words [ヤツの言葉に騙されてはいないか] Don't lose sight of a loadstar [道しるべを見失ってはいないか] Who's pulling the strings tonight? [今夜影で糸を引くのは誰だ?] I lose sight of you... [君を忘れてしまう] Lose sight of you... [見失ってしまう]