我は歌う深き劣等感の底で産まれた 名も無き力を 平凡な君の感性を憎む日々が破壊の 果てに創造を生み出すんか? あ~ただ意味も無い言葉を並べて 歌って何がROCKだ!! I just tried to say sorry I just tried to be kind I just tried to go further ただの鬱 on the beat. 空想の空に群青の雲が浮かぶ 林道の花がゴミで埋もれていく 心情の底に沸き上がる音 感動と共に形になれ!! あ~ただ意味も無い言葉を並べて 歌って何がROCKだ!! I just tried to say sorry I just tried to be kind I just tried to go further ただの鬱 on the beat. I just tried to say sorry (You can't be Fucking actor) I just tried to be kind (You can't be Fucking singer) I just tried to go further (You can't be Fucking writer) What is genius? What is normal? I just tried to say sorry (You can't be Fucking actor) I just tried to be kind (You can't be Fucking singer) I just tried to be myself (You can't be Fucking writer) What is genius? Way to be there Wake up mind!! Way to be there Wake up mind!! Way to be there 親愛なる君に皮肉を込めて Way to be there Wake up mind!! Way to be there Wake up mind!! Way to be there 親愛なる君に皮肉を込めて "This song for you" と最後に言おう