片想い~My Secret Crush~

  • 2024.07.29
  • 3:50


気が付けばあなたのことを 考えてばかりいるの Before I knew it, my thoughts were consumed by you. こんなにも大好きなのに 1度も夢には出てきてくれない Even though I love you so much, you never appear in my dreams. ねぇ、どうして? Hey, why is that? この胸のざわめきが止まらないよ This restless feeling in my chest won't go away. もしも願いが叶うなら 両想いにしてください If my wish could come true, please make this love come true. 一方通行の気持ち 彼に知られるのが怖い…だけど I'm scared to let him know these one-way feelings... but still, 気付いてほしい I want him to notice. ひとりで悩んで何度もため息 Alone, I sigh over and over, worrying. 嗚呼、 二人の距離はこんなに近いのに Ah, even though we're so close, 遠く感じるあなた you feel so far away. 友達でもいいから同じ空間で 一緒にいたいよ Even if it's just as friends, I just want to be in the same space with you. あなたを近くに感じたい I want to feel you close. 「好き」なんて言えないよ でも、あなたしか見えないの I can't say "I love you," but I see only you. 声を聴くだけで幸せになる Just hearing your voice makes me happy. あなたのその笑顔 私だけに見せてほしい I want you to show that smile only to me. 他の子と楽しそうに 話さないでよ Don't talk so happily with other girls. そんなこと考えて ひとりで落ち込んで Thinking such things makes me feel down when I'm alone, だけど好きで好きで 仕方ないの but I love you so much that I can't help it. 夜空を見上げて 流れ星を Looking up at the night sky, searching for a shooting star, 探して あなたを想う I think of you. 占いでは 二人の相性はいいはず…なのに The horoscope says we should be compatible... but still, 全然、距離は縮まらない the distance between us doesn't close at all. ノートの片隅に あなたの名前書いてみても Even if I write your name in the corner of my notebook, 前には進めない 分かってるのよ I know it won't help me move forward. 勇気を振り絞り 心の翼を広げて I need to gather my courage, spread the wings of my heart, 飛び出してみよう きっと大丈夫 and take the leap. Everything will be okay. 素直な想いを 届けに行こうよ Let's go and deliver these honest feelings. たった一言だけ 「大好きです」 Just one word: "I love you."


  • 1.片想い~My Secret Crush~

Hidetaka Suga feat. 音街ウナの人気曲

Hidetaka Suga feat. 音街ウナのアルバム

Hidetaka Suga feat. 音街ウナ