Hey men! Listen to my voice. I can't forget pretty eyes. Just like it is bright light stars. That's no laughing watter. Choice! no! I can't use it. I love both her and Lover. I can't say one way or the other way. No way! too weight! "Suit yourself" Everbody has his own like and dislike. That's right! Mind your own business. I miss you. Fuck you! What a pity boy. AH all is over with me. I wish I were in polygamic. He is fool to his back. Easy come, Easy go! You don't say! Of all the nerve you, Shame on, shame on you. Don't say! No pain. you know that I can't live without you. No pain. I know that I can't live without you. How does it feel? How dose it feel? ride on wheel? To be on your own with no direction my home town NO! Is it like a complete unknown. like a roling stone, I know? I wanna back to 80's I ganna back to 80's Listen to the CLASH! as walking in the modern high technology city!