天の光を失い、闇へと堕ちる Lost the heavenly light, descending into night 翼を広げて、地上へ舞い降りる Spreading wings wide, falling from the height 星の囁き、遠くの歌声 Whispers of stars, distant melodies 堕天使の舞、闇に溶けて Fallen angel’s dance, dissolving into dark その翼で、世界を覆う With those wings, she covers the world 闇に染まる、過去と未来 Stained in darkness, past and future collide 地上の影に、真実が潜む Truth lies hidden, in shadows of the ground 堕天使の涙、冷たく輝く Fallen tears glisten, cold and profound 禁断の運命、引き寄せられて Forbidden fate, drawn closer to her 堕天使の舞、闇に溶けて Fallen angel’s dance, dissolving into dark その翼で、世界を覆う With those wings, she covers the world 闇に染まる、過去と未来 Stained in darkness, past and future collide この世界に降りた、闇の使者 Messenger of darkness, falling from the skies 堕天使の声が、希望を切り裂く Fallen angel’s voice, tearing through the lies 闇の中で見つける、真実の光 Finding light of truth, within the darkened night 堕天使の舞、闇に溶けて Fallen angel’s dance, dissolving into dark その翼で、世界を覆う With those wings, she covers the world 闇に染まる、過去と未来 Stained in darkness, past and future collide 闇の底で、彼女は微笑む In the depths of darkness, she smiles so sly 堕天使の影、永遠に続く Shadow of the fallen angel, forever will lie その舞いは消えず、闇に溶ける Her dance never fades, melding into the dark