A Thousand stars are there to ease your thoughts A thousand stars are there to wipe your tears A Thousand lights are there to reach to your hand 星のかけら ため息にも 寄り添う月 Is there a lucky star in your hand? 覚めない夢に 漂い舞う A lucky star in your hand きみの言葉に 包まれながら Some say it whispers to you to follow your thoughts Lonesome nights in those days Blurring Clouds go away when I hold your hand きみのなみだ 拭うように 彩る空 Has our lucky star gone away? 当て所ない色 漂い舞う Fly me to the stars きみの声だけ 辿りながら When the raindrops touch your lips on your way there You should be aware that I need you to come back to me Is that voice in my head you’re calling my name? I’m calling your name in my mind A lucky star in your hand 覚めない夢に 漂い舞う Fly me to the stars きみのからだを 抱き寄せながら