I drop in from time to time. たまにいつもと違うこともいいかな そこに行くのに必要なものを持って いたらもうGO! I wonder if I could ask you たまにはいいかな まだよそうかな 見えない消えない将来All right 種を蒔きにいこう I will never let you down at the end of the day, even if I fail. I will never let you down at the end of the day, even if I fail. Long time no see. How are things with you? また笑って会えますように 今は少しの 我慢もしくはその他諸々 抱え行くべきところへ 迷いながら習いながら 分からないながら 今の今まで 来れた今回豪快にいこうか ときには狙ってこう I will never let you down at the end of the day, even if I fail. I will never let you down at the end of the day, even if I fail. I felt good from the morning time. Let’s go somewhere today. Where I’m gonna go, I don’t know. Go with the flow. I have to trust that the action will somehow connect in my shiny smile. I go walking for a long way. I will never let you down at the end of the day, even if I fail. I will never let you down at the end of the day, even if I fail.