星の海に浮かぶ夢 Drifting dreams in the starry sea, 流れ星が運ぶメッセージ Messages meant for you and me. 銀色の光が導く Silver lights that guide our way, 夜空の秘密を探して Searching for secrets where shadows play. 流星の囁き聞こえるよ Whispers of the shooting star, 君の心へ届くように Reaching your heart from afar. 希望の光が舞い上がる Hopeful lights begin to soar, 一緒に見つけよう新しい未来 Together we’ll find what we’re looking for. 風に乗せた想いが Thoughts carried softly by the breeze, 夢の中で君と踊る Dancing in dreams with perfect ease. 幻想の世界で交わる In a world where dreams collide, 色とりどりの星たちが Colorful stars become our guide. 流星の囁き聞こえるよ Whispers of the shooting star, 君の心へ届くように Reaching your heart from afar. 希望の光が舞い上がる Hopeful lights begin to soar, 一緒に見つけよう新しい未来 Together we’ll find what we’re looking for. 暗闇を越えて進もう Let’s move beyond the dark and cold, 流れ星のように自由に Free like a shooting star, bold. 夢の扉を開いて Opening doors to dreams untold, 二人の旅は続くよ Our journey together unfolds. 流星の囁き聞こえるよ Whispers of the shooting star, 君の心へ届くように Reaching your heart from afar. 希望の光が舞い上がる Hopeful lights begin to soar, 一緒に見つけよう新しい未来 Together we’ll find what we’re looking for. 流星の中での約束 Promises made beneath the stars, 夢を信じて進もう Believe in dreams and who we are. 未来へ響くこの歌 This song will echo in the night, 流れ星の囁きに乗せて On whispers of the shooting star's light.