A recent medical study proved that during operations music in the background creates a calm sensation doctors' blood pressures drop while spirits tend to rise keeping all hands steady keeping a sharpness in the eyes I worked in a hospital before I worked in music I've got the experience here's my chance to use it next time I find myself going under the knife I've got the song to sing which just might extend my life. . . Good morning doctor I trust you are sober I have been dreading this encounter for a long time my best friend is a lawyer no, not in malpractice but he's got friends of friends who are so please keep that in mind Let's get in a happy place filled with happy thoughts don't think about that Mazda Miata your ex-wife just bought clear your mind of that divorce your kid's fancy tuition, the hoped-for horse don't think about all the pressures hanging over your head just remember if you screw this up I will come and haunt you when I'm dead Good morning scrub nurse I hope you like your verse it's about how you are overworked and under-appreciated the doctor's get the glory you do all the gory stuff and today you assist that geeky doctor the one that you once dated Let's get in a happy space filled with happy thoughts don't think about the awkward break-up how much you and he fought don't think about your lonely life if you had become his wife you wouldn't have to work this job with all this pressure heaped on you just remember if you screw this up I'll come back to haunt you, too Can't you feel the love here in the air? it must be great to operate on patients like me who so obviously care about you and all of your pathetic personal problems that you should have left outside the door because right now I'm putting my life in your hands so concentrate! concentrate! Last but not least good morning anesthesiologist remember drugs are dangerous administered incorrectly they can do harm I don't like the look on your face you're not in a happy space I don't like that needle why did you stick it in my arm? 100 . . . 99 . . . 98 . . . (no I don't feel any different) why are you three laughing now and dancing round my bed why does it feel like I have puff balls in my head 95 . . . 94 . . . 92 . . . no . . . no different just be careful with me it's my right . . . no, it's my left knee . . or is it my kidney or my spine 91 . . . 8 6 . . . I feel good . . . I just hope my little song has put you in a very happy state of . . . Blue Cross. . . why do you ask? mind . . .