Yeah I am living brand new days Won't forget it May not need a brand new day But everyday I am living brand new days There's no time to make me cry Work hard and seem so busy it'stoo hard Seems like there's no time left for yourself 1人に慣れてさ 本当は怖くてさ 意地張っちゃってさ 本当にそれでいいの Yeah I am living brand new days Won't forget it May not need a brand new day But everyday i am living brand new days There's no time to make me cry Ah… I will make a move and go Tears don't stop, Tears don't stop, tears stop tonight Gonna be stronger, Gonna be stronger, gotta be strong tonight Gonna meet you, Gonna meet you, seeing you tonight I am simple thinking if you're there for me Yeah I am living brand new days Until we meet no cry