気づいた時には歯石が付いている 特に下の前歯の裏側 表面にもはみ出してきてる By the time I noticed, I had tartar, especially on the back of my lower front teeth, and it was starting to spread to the surface. 見た目も良くないし 征服されてるみたいで嫌な 気持ちになる It doesn't look good and it makes me feel like I'm being subjugated. Let's go everyone! 歯石よ 歯石よ 子供の頃には考えもしなかった Tartar, tartar, I never thought about it when I was a kid 歯石よ 歯石よ 君はどこから来たんだい? Tartar, tartar, where do you come from? 僕の歯石よ My tartar I'm scared of the noise they make when scraping tartar off my teeth. Tartar, please forgive me. You've had so much fun. I wish tartar was eliminated from this world. Sorry, tartar and dentist なんとなく気づいてはいたけど 特に下の前歯の裏側 へばりついている物体 I had noticed it somehow, but especially the object stuck to the back of my lower front teeth. 何年か前に削ってもらったけど また歯石は僕の口の中に 襲来してきたようだ I had it removed a few years ago, but it seems like tartar has returned to my mouth. Let's go everyone! 歯石よ 歯石よ 人間の体から生まれた神秘 Tartar, tartar, a mystery born from the human body 歯石よ 歯石よ 「君が宝石だったら」 つぶやいてみた Tartar, tartar, "If you were a jewel," I tweeted 僕の歯石よ My tartar 歯石よ 歯石よ 君の親は僕になるのかい? Tartar, tartar, am I going to be your parent? 歯石よ 歯石よ 人間の体から生まれた神秘 Tartar, tartar, a mystery born from the human body 僕の体から生まれた神秘 The mystery born from my body